Events in the Parish

Recent Livestream Recordings

Livestream Elevation of the Holy Cross

Click HERE at 9:30 am to join.

Livestream Transfiguration Liturgy

Click HERE at 9:30 am on August 6th to join.

Livestream Paraklesis

Click HERE to join the service from August 6th, 2021for the Paraklesis to the Theotokos.

Baptism of Callen Georgia

Livestream Great Verspers for the Three Hierarchs

Click HERE  to join the service for the Great Verspers for the Three Hierarchs served on Friday January 29th 2021

Livestream Paraklesis

Click HERE to join the service from January 22, 2021for the Paraklesis to the Theotokos.

Livestream Vesperal Liturgy of Theophany

A livestream of the Vesperal Liturgy of Theophany. Click HERE to join the service from Tuesday January 5, 2021.


Click HERE to join the service from October 2, 2020. 

Livestream Nativity of the Theotokos Liturgy

Click HERE to join the service from September 8, 2020. 

Livestream Holy Dormition Service

Click HERE to join the service from August 15, 2020. 

Transfiguration Liturgy Livestream

Click HERE to join the service from August 6, 2020

2020 Annunciation Parish Family Greeting Video! Enjoy!


Luminary Bags Continue to Light the Way on Holy Friday...

Double click on the image to enlarge your view.  Hit Esc to return to the website. 


Thanks to all of those who made a donation to remember loved ones, both living and deceased as
the Burial Procession of Christ passes the luminary bags on Holy Friday evening.  2020 proceeds will go towards building and supporting our new Seminarian Music Ministry, which will allow to embellish our worship with high quality Byzantine music as well as continue to train our local chanters and choir singers. 


A Reflection on the Akathist Services

Thank you to Joanna Tsiantis for your beautiful reflection on the Akathist services that you shared with the parish on Sunday, March 8th.  Please take some time to read her thought provoking and comforting words. 


Winter Tea 2020 - A Great Success

Thank you to those who sponsored tables and so beautifully and creatively dressed them!
Maria Connor, Irene Falite, Andrea Jones, Tina Papadopoulos, Melinda Patrick & Diana Uttley,
Siroun Roubian-Braun, Jonathan & William Hight & Lucy Schaeffer


Souper Sunday Cookoff Winners 2020!

Thank you to all of the soup, bread and dessert cooks who participated in the Souper Cookoff on February 16th.  Our parishioners were delighted to taste 11 different soups and to vote for their favorite.  

The Winners Are....

First Place - Lucia Mihailescu - Romanian Meatball Soup

Second Place - Gabriela Barrett - Romanian Soup 

Third Place - Dave & Nina Tanis - Lentil Spinach Soup  




2018 Annual Christmas Pageant

See Photos Here

On Sunday, December 16th following Divine Liturgy, the children of our parish reinacted the story of the birth of our savior Jesus Christ through a play complete with costumes, readings, and festive carols.  Thank you to our children, their parents and our Sunday School teachers who made this a memorable event.

Christmas Extravaganza!


See Photos Here

Sunday, December 16th marked the Grand Finale of our parish 100th Anniversary Celebration.  Our final event celebrated our youth and the future of our parish, with the 5th Annual Christmas Extravaganza!  A pot luck luncheon was enjoyed by all, followed by a talent show presented by our own Annunciation Parishioners.  The talent included Voice and Piano by Audrey Cooper, Piano duet by Father and Ana Costin, Recorder by Joshua Farley, Jokes by Alexis Cusak, Clarinet by Lucy Schaeffer, Viola by Olivia Salkovitz as well as an additional dance and piano performances.  Thank you to everyone who participated and made this a festive and memorable afternoon!


Centennial Gala Celebration!

See Photos Here

On November 3rd many gathered to enjoy a festive evening of dinner and dancing at Angelica’s Restaurant, as the finale begins for the year-long celebration of the 100th Anniversary of our blessed Annunciation Church.  Guests included current members and friends of the parish, as well as visitors and family members who traveled a distance to celebrate memories of this special place from their past.   Rev. Christopher Foustoukos addressed the guests with his remarks on the impact that the Annunciation made on his life as a newly ordained Priest.  Letters were read from Rev. Aris Metrakos and Rev. Stanely Harakas who also extended their congratulations and shared warm words for their memories of time spent at the Newburyport parish. 

A special thanks to the 100th Anniversary Gala Committee: Diane Hansen, Irene Katsoulis and Daphne Tikellis



Following on Sunday, November 4th we were honored to have His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston celebrate Divine Liturgy.  Our choir combined with special guests of the Metropolis of Boston Choir Federation responded with resounding traditional hymns making for a memorable service.  Everyone was invited to a specail brunch in Nicholson Hall following the service.  See Photos Here.



Eikona Weekend a Big Success!

The weekend of September 21st - 23rd was alive with the voices of Eikona, a professional trio consisting of three sisters with a lifetime of musical talent embedded in liturgical music.  Their angelic voices, along side our own talented choir, filled our church during the Paraklesis Service on Friday night, a concert on Saturday night and the Matins and Divine Liturgy on Sunday.  Thank you to all of the volunteers and musical talents who came together to make this weekend a great and unforgetable success!

See photos here.

Presbytera Appreciation Day and Sunday School Artist Reception

On September 23rd the Sunday School presented an Icon as a 100th Anniversary Gift to our church along with creative ceramic tiles which they made to hang along with the Icon.  The pride of the children was evident as the watched Fr. Costin consecrate their gifts.  See photos here.

September 23rd was also set aside to recognize our Presbyteras and the sacrifices and hard work that they accept as the spouse of our devoted orthodox clergy. A special luncheon was prepared in honor of our own Presbytera Irina, in addition to two past Presbyteras Sophia and Claire, our Parishioner Inkeri, and Presbyteras Stacey and Marika of the Eikona trio.  


GFF Boat Cruise Pics Here


St. Basil's is Green At Last! 

On Monday, June 25th we will use our new plates, cups and silverware with the meal we serve. Thanks to the many organizers and parishoners who participated in Saint Basil’s Ministries fundraisers this year starting with our annual tea in January, a bake sale before Western Easter and an appeal to purchase reusable place settings.  With your generosity we were able to buy and install a commercial dishwasher, purchase new place settings for the Monday Meal and eliminate the use of dispoable items.  In the next week or so, we will also install one new cabinet in the kitchen to house all of the new dishes as well as two shelves next to the coffee bar in the hall to accommodate the coffee mugs.  These items can also be used for small parish events in St. Basil’s Hall too.  Once again – thank you to everyone who participated in the improvement of our outreach services through Saint Basil’s Ministries.


Click on the image below to see pictures from the June 10th Graduation celebration and Pot-Luck Picnic held in the beautiful courtyard of the Annunciation Church.

Wedding Luncheon - Honoring the Sacraments

Sunday, May 20th marked a special day honoring the Sacraments as part of our year long 100th Anniversary Church celebration!  The festivities began in church with a special Marriage Blessing for all Eastern Orthodox married couples.  Then it was off to Nicholson Hall, where guests where surrounded by elaborate decorations and a display of wedding dresses, photos, crowns and other memorable wedding items all provided by our church members.  The event concluded with a delicious lunch including mimosas and specialty coffees.  Thank you to everyone who made this event a success!  See more photos from this event here.




Click on images below to enjoy pictures taken during Holy Week 2018.


  Palm Sunday                    Oratorical Festival             Holy and Great Friday


Sunday of Orthodoxy


On Sunday, March 11th our Sunday School students participated in the customary procession of icons.  The service is to commemorate the restoration of icons for use in services and private devotional life of Christians. See Photos here.


2017 Christmas Pageant

The Christmas Program presented by the Sunday School was enjoyed by all.  Many thanks to our Sunday School Director Jill Argyrople, to the pageant director Melinda Patrick, the children, Sunday School teachers, and parents who worked so hard to bring us this lovely program.  See more Photos of the event here.

In December 2017 the following special activities took place to kick off our 100th Anniversary Celebration.

Dr. Papanicou chanted an all Greek early Divine Liturgy December 3rd

AGOC Choir chanted early 19th century Liturgical music December 10th,

Founders Day Program was presented December 10th

Seminarians chanted the Liturgy December 17th

Christmas program was presented by Sunday School students December 24th


Senior GOYA Bake Sale - October 22, 2017

October 22nd Fellowship hour was hosted by the Senior GOYA.  The funds raised were put toward their ministry to the Church.

Do Words Matter? Some Do


Dr. Bruce Beck, Professor of New Testament at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology, recently spoke during Orthodoxy on Tap held at St. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Church in Peabody.  The topic covers four categories of words: important words, idle words, harmful words and lastly Holy Words. Click here to see his presentation.


2017 Parishioners of the Year - Honored on June 11th 

The Parish Council has chosen two most deserving sisters to share the honor this year.  Congratulations go to Irene Katsoulis and Daphne Tikellis. They will be honored at the 31st Annual Metropolis of Boston Ministry Awards Banquet at Lombardo's, Randolph, MA, 5:30 pm reception, 6:30 pm dinner, June 11th. Please contact the church office to reserve tickets. 

Read about their long and devoted history to Annunciation Church here.

Oratorical Festival 2017

On Sunday. March 26th seven of our Sunday School students presented brief homilies on topics chosen from a pre-assigned list from the St. John Chrysostom Oratorial Festival.  Thank you to the following students for presenting their views on Christianity to our parish: Max George, Anastacia Hansen, Stephanie Patriakeas, Christopher Connor, Ana Popescu, Kylie and Mikayla Cuzak. 

Click on photo to view complete album.



News and Info

Weekly Sunday Bulletin - View parish weekly news, includes news and events.


Bi-Monthly Beacon - The Beacon -Shining Forth the Good News!


Orthodox Marketplace - The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


Send an Iconogram - Send a message to a loved one or a friend in celebration of a name day, feast day, or sacrament.


Annunciation  Online "Like" our Facebook page to keep up on services, events and activities.


Orthodox Christian Network